Thursday, January 15, 2015

Safety on the Ice

As we are sure you have noticed, its winter, its cold, and that means there is ice forming on all bodies of water in the area! While the ice can be fun and relatively safe for fishing, skating, and other hobbies, there are some dangers everyone must remain aware of.

  • Always watch for cracks forming in the ice as they may show weak spots
  • Let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return
  • Be vigilant as ice conditions can change rapidly with wind and temperature shifts
It was just last year when Lake Michigan froze out all the way past the Manitou Islands and many beautiful ice cave structures were formed by the lake.  While these ice caves and their beauty is very intriguing to many, please keep in mind that ice can still be dangerous.  Not only for the above mentioned reasons, but on larger bodies of water the current below the ice can eat away at the ice from below.  So please, for safety's sake exercise due caution if and when Lake Michigan freezes up!

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