Sunday, May 3, 2015

Red Flag Warnings and Burn Permit Status

With the unusually dry weather we have been experiencing, combined with the high heat and low relative humidity, conditions continue to be very conducive to grassland and wildland fires.

Prior to burning each day, regardless of any precipitation, wind conditions, etc we ask that you please check the Michigan DNR website for the current status of burn permits in the area. That link is If you do not have internet access, the DNR also have a hotline established, the phone number for that information is 866.922.2876.  The web link also contains other information about when a permit is required and what materials are legally allowed to be burned.

What is a Red Flag Warning?
A Red Flag Warning, or fire weather warning, means that the National Weather Service has identified the conditions in the area are right for rapid growth and development of wildland fires.  When Red Flag Warnings are issued, no burning of any kind is recommended.  Factors into the issuing of a Red Flag Warning include: air temperature, relative humidity, and wind conditions. Please visit for more information and other active weather alerts.

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